11.28.2022: Insulation of the ceiling.
Just prior to Thanksgiving, crews completed the big insulation job. In fact the process was highlighted in later in ANCA’s May 2023 newsletter. Our plans are to keep the huge I-beams exposed in the final design of the auditorium. Next step is to finalize the heating/cooling system.
By October, having completely removed all debris from the building. With the support of a major fundraising campaign (plus a grant from ANCA), we had enough financial support ($48K) to contract out a huge installation job. For the first time in the theater’s history the ceilings would be entirely insulated and air tight.
Working on and off during the summer months, we able to clear the ceiling exposing the original timber trusts and supports. This was finally completed at the end of July 2022 (approximately one year after we acquired the theater).
To re-imagine the space, we needed a clear slate. We began tearing out the concessions and lobby as well as the walkway which lead to two theaters and the bathrooms. We preserved the original wood moldings and architectural elements. In the process, we discovered that the timber originally milled for our theater originated from A. Mason & Sons Lumber, Peru / Plattsburgh, NY.
Removal of drop ceiling… wait there’s a second ceiling too?
Having gutted the large partition that had once divided the theater in two, work started on tearing down the drop ceiling only to discover that the original ceiling dating back to the late 1930s was entirely unstable and needed to come down too. Ugh!
With a goal to return the theater to a single performance venue, we began the big job of tearing out the wall that boarded up the proscenium and removing the large 20+ ft wall that divided the theater in two. When we say “we,” we mean huge thanks to Tim Bedard who single handedly torn down the walls and removed all the debris!